Is the government declaring RSS a fringe organisation?

The so-called ‘fringe elements’ were the official spokespersons of the ruling party in India. What they said is not different from the RSS narrative of demonising minorities, which is going on since...

Patna | BJP, RSS making people fight over religion: CPI general secretary @ComradeDRaja

Patna | BJP, RSS making people fight over religion: CPI general secretary @ComradeDRaja Prime Minister Narendra Modi is with the capitalists instead of being with the farmers, workers and labourers.

Veer Savarkar of RSS:

Veer Savarkar of RSS: Wrote mercy petitions, lived on pension, remained loyal. Our Veer Bhagwati Charan Vohra: Martyred testing a bomb this day in 1930. Bomb was to be used to rescue Bhagat Singh...

Congratulations to the Left Front Government in Kerala for completing a very successful year...

Congratulations to the Left Front Government in Kerala for completing a very successful year in office. LDF has revived PSEs and has presented an alternative, inclusive and people-centric model of government before...

Remembering Karl Marx on His 204th Birth Anniversary

CPI general secretary D Raja in the presence of Party comrades working in Central Party Headquarters garlanding the portrait of Karl Marx on his 204th birth anniversary. He made a brief...