The 5-Minute Rule for Marijuana

The 5-Minute Rule for Marijuana Marijuana - What Is It? Marijuana isn't physically addicting. Most individuals know, however, that marijuana is an exception. ...

How to Harden Your Computer With Windows Security

If you own a Windows 10 device, your operating system comes with a range of security tools that can assist you to strengthen your PC. Windows Security (formerly Microsoft Defender) offers...

Top Features of a Mac Tools Calendar

Being organized is essential to keep track of all pre-arranged times. It will allow you to not miss family or friends, as well as work obligations, and also keep in mind...

The Best Online Antivirus Scan For Android Mobile

If you're worried that your Android phone might be infected with malware, there are plenty of effective and free online antivirus scans for Android mobiles to select from. These services let...

New Step by Step Roadmap for Marijuana News

New Step by Step Roadmap for Marijuana News The Debate Over Marijuana News If you're against using Cannabis as you do not need to smoke you're misinformed. As...

Poster on CPI 20th Party Congress – Hyderabad 23rd to 27th March, 2008

Twentieth Congress, Hyderabad 23rd to 27th March, 2008 General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan Deputy General Secretary: S. Sudhakar Reddy Secretaries: Gurudas Dasgupta D. Raja CK. Chandrappan Shameem Faizce Atul Kumar Anjaan Amarjeet Kaur Nandagopal Bhattacharya National Executive Committee Members 1. A.B. Bardhan 2. S. Sudhakar Reddy 3.D. Raja 4.Gurudas...

Poster on CPI 19th Party Congress – Chandigarh 29th March to 3rd April, 2005

Nineteenth Congress, Chandigarh 29th March to 3rd April, 2005 Central Secretariat Members General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan Secretaries: P.K. Vasudevan Nair Gaya Singh GurudasDasgupta Nandagopal Bhattacharya Shameem Faizee S. Sudhakar Reddy D. Raja Amarjeet Kaur National Executive Committee Members 1.A.B. Bardhan 2.P.K. Vasudevan Nair 3.Gaya Singh 4.Gurudas Dasgupta 5.Nandagopal Bhattacharya 6.Shameem...

Poster on CPI 18th Party Congress – Thiruvananthapuram 26 to 31st March, 2002

Eighteenth Congress, Thiruvananthapuram 26 to 31st March, 2002 General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan (Com. Bardhan was re-elected as general secretary.) Central Secretariat Members Secretaries: J. Chittaranjan V.V.Raghavan D. Raja Gaya Singh Shameem Faizee Atul Kumar Anjaan National Executive Committee Members 1. A.B. Bardhan 2.J. Chittaranjan 3.V.V....

Poster on CPI 17th Party Congress – Chennai 14th to 19th September, 1998

Seventeenth Congress, Chennai 14th to 19th September, 1998 General Secretary: A.B. Bardhan (Com. Bardhan was re-elected as a general sec retary. Bardhan was first elected as a general secretary of the CPI in Mid-1996...