The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India expresses its
concern about the adverse impact of demonetization and points out that the
Supreme Court judgement is a split judgement of 4 vs 1 which does not take
into consideration about false claims made by the government during
demonetization. It only touches upon the legal aspect of the decision making.
It does not touch upon the adverse impact of demonetization on the people.
After four years of the decision people need to know the facts about claims
made by the government have been proved to be false. Money in circulation
has increased, black money component has not come down and adverse
impact of the decision on MSME not recorded and terrorism has not come
Hence a detailed white paper is needed on this issue.
The Supreme Court majority judgement merely upholds the right of the
government to take such a decision and in no way endorses the
consequences of such a decision.