Press Conference at CPI headquarters, Ajoy Bhavan On December 5, 2022 at 11:30...

Communist Party of India General Secretary D RAJA will be addressing the media at 11:30 a.m. on December 5, 2022 (Tomorrow). He will be announcing in detail the decisions of the National Executive meeting...

CPI MP Shri Binoy Viswam writes to the CM of Manipur regarding the suppression...

Respected Shri N. Biren Singh ji, I write this letter to express my serious concern over the suppression of democratic rights and practices in the state of Manipur under your government. Manipur is...

Sinister Design of BJP –RSS Behind Uniform Civil Code


Resolution on Floods

Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttarakhand and other states are under unprecedented floods. These floods have led not only to the huge losses of agriculture crops, cattles, property but also have...

Poster on CPI 2nd Party Congress – Calcutta 28 February to 6 March, 1948

Second Congress, Calcutta 28 February to 6 March, 1948 B. T. Ranadive was elected as General Secretary Polit Bureau Members 1.BTR 2.Bhowani Sen 3. NK Krishanan 4.Somnath Lahari 5.G. Adhikari 6.Aisy Ghosh (Under ground name is Prakash) 7. C. Rajeswara Rao...

CPI Condemns I-T Raids on BBC Offices

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India condemns the raids conducted by the income tax department at the Delhi and Mumbai offices of BBC. The Modi government has already...

Rama Krushna Panda’s Mother Is No More

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India conveys its condolences to party national council secretary Rama Krushna Panda on the demise of his mother Hemalata Panda. She passed away in the night...