Nationwide political campaign from April14 to May 15, 2023 Defeat BJP- Save the Nation...

CLICK FOR PDF Nationwide Political Campaign - D RAJA, General Secretary

Press Release

CLICK FOR PDF  Press Release Press Release Aruna Roy President and Annie Raja, General Secretary, of the National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) has written to PM Modi requesting to take action against BJP Kerala...

CPI on the detention of Opposition MPs and on the Disqualification of Rahul Gandhi

The Communist Party of India condemns the detention of Members of Parliament belonging to opposition parties who wanted to meet the President of India with several issues. The action of the...

Saluting To Bagath Singh Pledge to uphold His Ideals

  CLICK FOR PDF Bhagath Singh “The proletariat will win. Capitalism will be defeated. Death to Imperialism” read Shaheed Bhagat Singh, wearing a red scarf, from a telegram message that was to be...

Rama Krushna Panda’s Mother Is No More

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India conveys its condolences to party national council secretary Rama Krushna Panda on the demise of his mother Hemalata Panda. She passed away in the night...

Protect Rights of LGBTQIA+ Community: CPI

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India urges the Supreme Court and the government of India to fully protect the rights of LGBTQIA+ community. The party takes note of...

CPI Demands 33% Women Reservation Immediately

CLICK FOR PDF  For Favour of Publication - 10.03.2023 Kalvakuntla Kavitha, BRS leader and Former TRS M.P. sat on one day Hunger Strike at JANTAR MANTAR DELHI to demand an immediate passing...

Solidarity with the communists and other democratic forces in India

Lisbon, March 8, 2023 Dear comrades, The PCP condemns very strongly the terrorist action unleashed by the Bharatiya Janata Party in the State of Tripura against the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist...

A meeting of the National Council of the Communist Party of India was held...

CLICK FOR PDF CPI Press Communique - 28.02.2023

CPI Condemns RSS-ABVP Vandalism in JNU Campus

The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India strongly condemns vandalism let loose by RSS-ABVP goons and defacing of great leaders’ portraits like those of Periyar, Bhagat Singh, Baba Saheb...